News and Views

The 6 Growth Pillars – Patient Database Management

Existing patients are one of the most valuable assets for every Medical Aesthetic practice.

They are usually the ones engaging in procedures, putting trust in their doctors and the clinic staff and returning to repeat a treatment or try a combination of treatments. They are also the best brand ambassadors as they usually tend to refer the practice to friends and relatives, helping to recruit new patients. With this in mind, it is vitally important that patients’ interactions with the business are properly and regularly monitored so the key components and drivers that lead to their repeat engagement with services are identified.

Repeat Business, a crucial component of the development and prosperity of each business, is based on a combination of activities and procedures that relate to the following key points:

  • Effective patient database handling and management
  • New and Returning patients tracking records
  • Active / Inactive status patients management for repeatable treatments
  • Recalling procedure for patients to repeat a therapy
  • Cross-Selling of services using integrated treatment protocols
  • Service upgrading for revenue increase per session
  • Rewarding patients for being loyal and referring others

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