CME points & CBE investment:
All Doctors are seeking for Continuous Medical Education (CME) points to become better in their profession. All clever Doctors invest as well to Continuous Business Education (CBE) for themselves and their clinic staff to make their business thrive!
This Saturday, our first part of “UpMyBusiness CBE scheme” took place in DermAesthete Clinic by Dr. Pinakoulaki . After a preparation period to build a fully tailor made training module, adapted to the specific needs of a fabulous and full of energy team, we spent 3 hours together. Our discussion was mainly focused to the optimal way to approach Medical Aesthetics patient’s needs, handling objections and excellence in the “patient’s journey” inside the clinic.
The second part, coming one month after, will include a follow-up of all the procedures and techniques agreed as well as a role play session to make sure that everything is properly put in place.
A big thank you to the owners of the clinic Artemis Pinakoulaki and Tanya Leousi for their trust in our CBE training sessions. But mostly a big well done to the exquisite team of the clinic for their energy and their contribution to one of the best (and fun) training days we have ever experienced.
Your people: your most valuable asset.
Be smart and invest in your team’s skills.