News and Views

Build a wholehearted invitation strategy for your VIP patients

Your doors are opening soon (if not opened already). And you have a bunch of things to worry about. Make sure that you do not miss the chance to make the most of your valuable inheritance of your practice, your loyal patient database.

Invite back your VIP patients in “Style”

Find ways to tell them how happy you are to have them back in your practice:

  • Build for them bespoke treatment plans tailor made for their needs
  • Offer them complimentary sessions for better results in treatment protocols they have already paid for
  • Induce a membership program with rewarding benefits
  • Use Gift cards and Vouchers to show them your gratitude

Moreover, make sure that there will be an available time slot for them to have their treatments soon after they request it. Do not overbook your schedule leaving them outside.

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