So, as said before, we need to keep contact with our audience. Using social media you surely address to everyone. But what happens to your loyal patients? Make sure that you send newsletters, personal texts or even call them in person. Take any actions to:
Personalize your communication with patients you really care to keep them close to you now and – even more important – after this lock down period ends
Now it’s time to protect your active patients, the ones who trust you and have been following you for the past months.
- Study & analyse your patients’ database
- Find your active patients going under various – and repetitive- procedures
- Come into personal contact with them
- Let them share their concerns with you on the results of the treatment they had, on the sessions postponed as your practice is closed, on the repetition rate & on what to do to maintain the result from home
It’s not the correct time now to get in contact with people that have been unfaithful to you and your practice for any reason for more than 12 months already. Reversely, it may seem like a desperate move to contact them now.