News and Views

Social Media Calendar during COVID-19

Let’s face the situation properly: We all agree that your daily contact with your patients is mainly done through social media channels. And the common strategy, before the lock-down situation, has been that a monthly plan with posts was built and implemented.

What about now? Do you do the same?

Build a calendar and plan with exact dates the posts to be published for the following 30 days

The seasonality of the skin needs is still there. And spring is officially here. So why don’t you plan a series of posts for your audience following one of the below topics:

  • “How to Transition Your Skin-Care Routine From Winter to Spring”
  • “Springtime Skin Care Tips”
  • “Best spring skin care routine steps”
  • “New season, new skin-care regimen”

Tip: Do not overwhelm them with daily posts. Respect the ration of 2-3 posts per week.

Remember: You patients are still there and sooner or later the lock-down will be terminated.
Make sure you keep yourself in the back of their mind when time comes…

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