News and Views

Prepare yourself for the “come back”

Now, more than ever before, you have to unfold all your creative ideas on how to relaunch your business. Your patients will return with expectations for similar results but in a shorter time-frame.

Take into consideration the main concerns for this season: Skin Rejuvenation, Body, Hair Removal


  • Quick treatments with fast results
  • New protocols with combination of services
  • Payment options / incentives

Latest News And Views

Excellence in Patients’ Journey

Cultivate Patient Loyalty: 8 Key Strategies

It is obvious and common known that acquiring new patients through online advertising methods is a relatively straightforward task. However, the real challenge lies in

Excellence in Patients’ Journey

Get More, New and Returning Patients

In today’s highly competitive market, there is a significant focus on acquiring new patients. While this approach is not wrong, it often unfortunately leads to

Measure the performance of your Medical Aesthetics practice with the unique Diagnostics Tool and build a detailed action plan to grow your business