News and Views

People Trusting Brands During Coronavirus Pandemic

Some very interesting data were recently published from Daniel J. Edelman Holdings, Inc.- Communication Firm on the behavior that this pandemic has triggered to people. Let’s see:

What are people saying about brands during COVID-19 ?

The findings were closely related to the situation we are all experiencing and dissolve all the “traditional” approach of branding:

  • 84% want brands to focus on how to help people cope with pandemic – related life challenges
  • 77% expect brands to adapt their speech showing that they are aware of the crisis and the impact in life
  • 71% will reject any brand perceived putting profit over people
  • 57% decline humorous or light – hearted advertising

Keep the above statements in mind when you prepare your messaging across your marketing channels, whether this is your internet ads, your newsletter campaign, your social media or any kind of one-to-one communication.

Once again, it is not time for Hard – Selling

Ask Yourself: Even if I do not sell a single treatment – how can I be of the most value and best serve my patients right now?

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